Wednesday, October 1, 2014


I've had far too many blogs since the internet became a thing, but this one has been brewing in my mind for a little while.

We've been a single income family for over 4 years now. Every now and then I get asked how we do it. I don't think there's a cookie-cutter answer I can give, but I do want to start journalling our day to day lives to share with anyone interested. I've been an avid follower of some home-making blogs for a few years now, and always wished I had something to share with the community.

I don't think our story is particularly unique, but I still love the idea of sharing recipes, what works for me as a mother and as a home-maker, as a budget-keeper and as a wife. I like giving and receiving frugal tips, and how to live a rich life with not worrying so much about making money. I love finding a cheaper way to do or make something, and I want to test out new ideas I've been wanting to try and report what works as I am learning. I love sharing all this with my daughters, and watching them learn with me.

So if this all sounds interesting to you, welcome!

My name is Larissa, and I recently turned 30. I'm a stay-at-home mother to Miss-Nearly-6, and Miss 2. My husband and I have been together since I was 18 and he was 25. The time has gone fast, but we have grown a lot together and learnt a lot about life, what works for us and makes us happy. We live in a small house (by today's standards) in Pakenham, about 60 kilometres south-east of Melbourne.

I look forward to sharing with you.

Larissa x


  1. Yay, first comment! You sound like you might be crazy, we should be friends :P

  2. I think we have a lot in common. Except I am the older woman (51) whose children (4) have flown the nest all except for one.

    I love finding blogs like yours, I look forward to following your journey :)

    1. Hi Tania, how lovely to read your comments :) Thank you for taking the time to read here, your blog looks fascinating - I have book-marked it for a proper look soon, I am always curious how people go living so close to the outback!! :) Thanks so much for saying hello! :)


I love reading comments and questions, I will check back here to reply as often as I can :)